
2. april åpner Topshop i New York. Husker jeg gikk forbi butikklokalene i fjor og siklet, mens jeg tenkte - hvorfor? hvorfor? hvorfor åpner du ikke nå? Tiden går, selv om tankene består. Heldigvis skal jeg til mitt elskede NY i juli, jeg har planer om å ta med meg basically hele byen hjem, så koffertene kan bli rimelig tunge. But hey, love is all you need, and New York is love. Så det så. April 2nd Topshop opens in NYC. I remember walking by the premises last year drewling while thinking - why? why? why can't you open right now? Time goes by, but the thoughts remain the same. Luckily I am going to my beloved NY in july, and I plan on bringing the entire city back with me, so I'm guessing my suitcases will get pretty heavy. But hey, love is all you need, and New York is love. And that's that.

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