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I tried coming up with something to say. Turns out my mind is blank. Haven't been able to think lately. Haven't been able to say what I want to say. All I do is hiccup and feel joy about being in Stockholm in less than three days, in Røros in less than a week and be aware of the fact that life is pretty classic. And pretty awesome. Hope it's the same for you.
Also, yes you have seen the necklace before. But I love it too much.

And also, THE most awkward "pose" in the photo. I had to run to school and this was the one shot I got. Thought I'd share to give you the LOL's.


  1. Du er så heldig som skal til Stockholm!! Jeg også vil!! <3

  2. deilig god tur.. og jeg skal si ifra jeg vet du

  3. Det der smykket er utrolig stilig! Og misunner deg ikke Stockholmturen, nehei!
