Sundays Could Make You Heartless, With Friends It Is Heartfull

På vei til Aker Brygge og søndagsmiddag med jentene. Hatt en helt fantastisk søndag. Hengt med mine aller beste, sett Den lille havfruen og Beverly Hills 90210, spist god mat og fått masse kos. I tillegg har jeg vært komiker av rang, noe Nebbs, Blid, Tonje og Mallus kan skrive under på. Håper dere også har hatt en deilig søndag! On our way to Aker Brygge and sunday din-din with the girls. I've had an amazing sunday. Just been hanging out with my BFFs, watched The Little Mermaid and Beverly Hills 90210 on the telly, lots of lovely food and hugs and kisses. In addition to this I have been the world's greatest comedian today, which I'm sure Nebbs, Blid, Tonje and Mallus totally agrees with. Hope you all have had a delightful sunday!

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