feathers are good for me

Image and video hosting by TinyPic topshop Jeg kunne gått mil etter mil for denne ass. Jeg har fått låne Mad Men av en i klassen og gleder meg til å begynne se. Er blitt vill etter serier for tiden, det går virkelig ikke noe på TV. Pia og Jasmin liksom, vann fra springen er festligere å se på. Men, jeg hulker fortsatt av Grey's på tirsdagskveldene, så lite har forandret seg der. Og sikler, sikler på Robert Buckley i Lipstick Jungle. I kveld skal jeg være sosial, harru sett på maken.

everything turns

Image and video hosting by TinyPic weheartit Visse øyeblikk husker man som om de var risset inn i hukommelsen. Øyeblikk trues av et lite sekund, der fremtidige øyeblikk ikke finnes. Hjernen og hjertet oversvømmes av sorg. I det sekundet vet man hva man kunne mistet, og som aldri før vet man hva man har.

the look: thigh-highs

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sweater H&M, thigh-highs By Malene Birger Det er søndag. Jeg har sett to filmer så langt i dag. Film-nerd, det er det jeg er. I går var det jentekveld, vi lagde hjemmelaget pizza og så Skal vi danse. Spiste kake. Elsker kake. Hælene er en utfordring. Men guri, for en himla festlig utfordring. De ruler sjappa hardt. Alt blir morsommere med lårhøye støvletter. Til og med støvsuging. It's sunday, and I've seen two movies so far today. Movie-geek, that's what I am. Girls night in last night, with homemade pizza and Dancing with the stars. Had cake. Love cake. The heels are a challenge. But hey, a friggin awesome challenge. They rule. Everything is more fun with thigh-high boots. Even vacuum cleaning.

proenza schouler

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Det fantastisk skjønne i en topp, et skjørt og hæler skal ikke undervurderes

m-k at the burberry afterparty

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olsenobsessive Jakken er simpelthen syk(!), jeg vil ha en bucket bag og skoene fra Burberry Prorsum skulle vært mine. Å, å ha M-Ks garderobe... Jeg ligger i sengen. Var ute igår. Kvelden endte med Singstar og pizza. Å ende en kveld sånn er tilnærmet perfekt vil jeg si. Skal straks karre meg ut av sengen og lage ostesmørbrød. En perfekt morgen og gitt. Herre så heldig jeg er.

behati prinsloo for flair

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic fashiongonerogue Would'nt it be nice if we could wake up, and find ourselves not where we are, but where we wanna be? California's on my mind.

alexander wang leopard heels s/s 2010

Image and video hosting by TinyPic suprememanagement Gaaah. Those heels are pure sweetness in every possible way. I'm in love. Loving the knee-highs/football protection too. This is perfection, you agree right? Already loving this day too, and am now getting ready for tonight. Birthday party. I'm going over the top; tu-tu, lots of jewelry and just maybe I'll flash my python boots. Have a lovely friday!


Image and video hosting by TinyPic weheartit Losing myself in beautiful stuff right now. It'd be kind of nice if life was like a photograph. Or like a poem by Walt Whitman. Oh well, pretty sure that ain't never gonna happen, but still, I'm alllowed to dream.

mary-kate in oslo

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Mary-Kate was at the Astrup Fearnley Museum last night for her boyfriend Nate Lowman's exhibition "The Natriot Act". I wasn't there. I can not believe that I wasn't there. Effffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic The Jet D'eau in Geneva. A big-ass fountain, or water squirt as I thought it was appropriate to call it. I don't have a steady hand, so that's why it's fuzzy. Klokken er 12, jeg har ikke skole i dag. Ergo; jeg har ikke gjort noe fornuftig enda. Ja ja. I dag er det onsdag. Siden lite har skjedd kan jeg heller fortelle litt om turen. Var i Lyon fra tirsdag til tordag. En utrolig fin by, med bra shopping og kule restauranter og barer. Torsdag dro vi til Geneve. Herlig by det og, forholdsvis liten, men da er det ingen fare for å gå seg vill, så i grunn helt ok. Hadde noen herlige dager, og er ikke helt fornøyd med å komme tilbake til hverdagen. It's 12 o'clock, and I don't have school today. Which translates to me not having done anything worth while so far today. Oh well. Today is wednesday. Not much has happened so I thought I could tell you a bit about my trip. I was in Lyon from tuesday till thursday. It is a lovely city, the shopping is good and there's lots of cool restaurants and bars. Thursday we caught the train to Geneva. Lovely city, not too big, which means you're not gonna get lost. Had some great days, and am now a bit unhappy about being back in reality.

erin wasson x rvca

Image and video hosting by TinyPic la garconne Aaaaaaah! Man kan ikke gå feil med frynseskjorte og tee med kul print. Er det noen andre som dævver litt av hvor himla kul Erin Wasson er? Jeg gjør. Jeg gjør. Aaaah! You can't go wrong with a fringe shirt and tee with cool print. Does anybody else kind of die at how frigging awesome Erin Wasson is? I do. I do.

john hardy silver coil ring

Image and video hosting by TinyPic net-a-porter I wish a day in my life included buying this ring.

leighton meester

Image and video hosting by TinyPic justjared Hvis du skulle slite med antrekket en dag kan du bare finne frem en løs singlet, noen hvite tøystykker og knyte disse på skuldrene og eventuelt på ryggen. Det ser kanskje ikke helt ut som Leightons Bottega Veneta-kjole, men hei, en morsom DIY er det uansett. If you're having difficulties figuring out what to wear one day you can just find an old tank top, some white pieces of cloth and tie them around the shoulders and the back of the top. It may not look exactly like Leighton Meester's Bottega Veneta, but hey, it's a fun DIY.

system fall 09

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic system korea Details. It's all in the details