complaining is useless

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                                gammel tee H&M, lin-blazer Topshop, semskede thigh-highs Zara

Arrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Jeg har ikke en god dag. Den begynte bra, gjort styling for studentavisen. Etter det var jeg på lunsj, trivelig det og. Så gikk det nedover. Skal levere en portefølje på onsdag, og photoshop vil pokker ikke samarbeide. Gaaah. Frustrerende. Så nå sitter jeg her og banner til mac'en. Mye vits det. Over til noe utrolig fantastisk, har glemt å vise blazeren jeg kjøpte på Topshop i sommer. Gosh, erre mulig? I alle fall elsker jeg den, og den elsker meg, så livet ække så altfor ille asså.

Arrrh. Am not having a good day. It started off fine, did some styling for the studentpaper. After that I went to lunch, very nice. Then it went down the drain. I am handing in a portfolio on wednesday, and photoshop will not cooperate. Gaaah. Frustrating. So now I'm sittin' here, cursing my mac. No use in that though. Now, on to something amazing, have forgotten showing the blazer I bought at Topshop this summer. Gosh, can it be? Either way I love it, and it loves me, so life ain't that bad after all.


  1. Don't worry too much, I'm sure everything will work out! Just think about your blazer :)
