yoga fire

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Putt en gaffel i meg, fordi jeg er så ferdig. Denne helgen har tatt på. Fredag var det ut, og i går kveld var det konsert med Yoga Fire. De gutta er syke. Men på en god måte. Etter konserten var det litt drikking, så litt mer, også var det nach. På nach kom noen av gutta fra Yoga Fire og. Jeg fortalte han ene at han hadde fine bukser. Han sa at de var fra Amerika. Jaha, sa jeg. Nå ser jeg Knocked Up når jeg egentlig skal skrive anmeldelse fra gårsdagens konsert.

Put a fork in me, cause I'm done. This weekend has taken its toll. Went out on friday, and went to a Yoga Fire concert last night. Those guys are insanse. But in a good way. After the concert there was a bit of drinking, then some more, then there was the after-party. Some of the Yoga Fire guys came too. I told one of them he had nice pants. He said thanks, and that they were from America. Ok, I said. Now I'm watching Knocked Up when I'm supposed to write a review from last night's concert.

I wore this with leopard heels.

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