faux mongolian fur Topshop, cardigan Alexander McQueen, sweatpants Acne, boots Proenza Schouler, bag Balmain
Tenkte det var på tide med en ny
if I was a millionaire. Det måtte jeg i grunn vært for det her. Det er jeg ikke. Har ikke mobil akkurat nå en gang jeg, og nettet mitt er på tur i tillegg. Hva gjør man uten mobil og nett? Virkelig, svar meg, jeg lurer.
Thought it was about time for a new if I was a millionaire. I'd have to be to get this. I'm not. I don't even have my cellphone right now, and my internet connection has taken a nap. A long one. What to do without cellphone and internet? Really, let me know, I'm wondering.
By the way, I think sweats mixed with heels is kinda cool. And the grey booties are niiiiiiiiice. Everything is. Ah, gimme!