my future apartment

has big windows
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a dreamcatcher in one of the windows                                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
 stacks of magazines and books on the floor                             
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wood floors                                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
high ceilings                              
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a corner with a sewing machine                            
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and brick walls                                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic


  1. Jeg HAR sånne store vinduer, men skulle helst sett at de var i enten London eller New York!

  2. This sounds like the perfect apartment! I love brick walls, big windows and stacks of magazines! Just the feeling that I like

  3. Åh herre! Perfekt, rett og slett! Får jeg legge til gammeldags badekar på badet?

  4. fint. liker det. jeg vil ha gammelt tregulv som kan males svart eller hvitt. og når man stövsugen så knastrer det fint i stövsugeren.. det er et av mine krav på framtidig leilighet/hus.. da blir det plutselig göy å stövsuge ;)
